Kozhikode District .... Once the capital of the powerful Zamorins and a prominent trade and commerce centre, Kozhikode was the most important region of Malabar in the days gone by. Today, lush green countrysides, serene beaches, historic sites, wildlife sanutaries, rivers, hills, a unique culture and a warm, friendly ambience make Kozhikode a popular destination.

Kozhikode District found a place in the World History with the discovery of Sea Route to India in 1498 by the Portuguese Navigator Vasco Da Gama. Vasco Da Gama landed at the Kappad sea shore with three vessels and 170 men. A monument is constucted here to commemorate the historical landing.Kozhikode is a historical town with a hoary past. From time immemorial, the city attracted travellers, with its charming physical features and prosperity.

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Posted by nkwayanad On 6:03 AM
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